As you must be knowing
Tietze syndrome ( Chondropathia tuberose ) has no reason for the occurrence and nobody knows how long does that last. Only you can do is adjust your life with it, manage symptoms when appearing and pray to god symptoms do not appear.
- Any type of trauma to the chest should be always avoided.
- Overuse of arms is not advisable.
- All precautions should be kept to keep away from any viral or bacterial respiratory infection if occurred then get treatment immediately in case of an acute episode.
NSAID (nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs),
corticosteroids as decided by the treating clinical are best rewarding.
-The refractory case may need local injections of lignocaine or corticosteroids inside the swelling area.
-The pain subsided within weeks or months but the swelling may persist longer also.
-Maintain hydration levels, consume a balanced healthy diet to combat any condition.
-Always avoid exposure to excess
cold or rain.
smoking or alcohol if using.
-Deep breathing exercises with YOGA help very slowly, steadily but life long results to ease the episodes.
Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further.
Dr. Bhagyesh V. Patel