I had spinal fusion at 18 because of spondylolisthesis. I had to have a neurosurgeon as well as an orthopedic surgeon because the lower vertebrae was so far out of line it was tethering my spinal sack. Also, the surgery was only supposed to take a few hours but ended up being 14 hours. I was supposed to have a rod and 4 screws in my back, but I only have 2 screws because the neurosurgeon had a screw break, which made a hole in my spinal sack. The doctor said I could have had flop foot, but luckily I don't. However, I'm 28, am 5'2 and a half, and weigh 250 lbs. Ever since the surgery I've found it hard to stand on hard floors, especially concrete, for long periods of time. I suffered from this when I used to weigh 155/160 lbs too, although it wasn't as bad. My feet will go numb, sometimes it will start tingling up my legs. I also, can't sit on hard surfaces for long periods of time or my leg will go numb clear up to the thigh. I don't think this is anything that will ever go away, but I was wondering if there is any way I can make it better? I've had a really hard time finding jobs that I can do because of this problem. I end up quitting because I can barely walk at the end of my shifts. I'm exasperated and suffer from depression because it's hard enough finding work in this economy, but with my limitations, it's even harder. Please help me.