Dear Dr. Kumar, I am a 28 year old male and have suffered with progressively worse neck an upper back pain for about 8 years now. The pain seems to be originating from an irritated nerve in the c8 or T1 area of the spine. There is also a noticeable shift to the right in my vertebrae at the T1/2 spots that can be seen and felt. I have had x-rays and a CT scan but my GP says there is nothing out of the ordinary, even though she was initially shocked by the displacement of my vertebrae from a physical inspection. Lately, symptoms seem to be getting worse with more neck pain, restricted neck movement, referral pain in my left arm, muscle weakness, chronically cold hands, and a moving/crawling sensation near my right temple and eye. I don t know exactly what to do since my GP doesn t seem to be taking my pain very seriously. If you have any advice it would be greatly appreciated. Sincerely, Sean Patterson