I am 8 days postop from a bartholin cyst excision. Went under general anesthesia due to the large size of the cyst. It was just over 5 cm according to the MRI I had due to the fact that they were unsure of what it was. Since the surgery, there is some mild pain in the incision inside my vagina, but I am having severe pain in the tissues adjacent to my utethera/ clit area, I also have numbness in that skin on the inside. I revisited my dr and she said it was probably nerve damage/ irritation from the surgery. She said she had a big cavity once the cyst was drained (incedentally she found some fluid but most of the cyst was a large blood clot) and she put multiple stiches inside to close the cavity. While I agree that her diagnosis is feasible and that it takes time, I am wondering how much time and just want confirmation/ second opinion. When I stand, there is a pinching feeling and burning. It feels like someone pinching that skin or pulling the pubic hair on that side. Sitting upright is also painful, the only time I am comfortable is when I am laying down.