10yr old daughter with burning and itching in vaginal/anal area, no pain urinating.some discharge vaginally. She had a UTI 3 weeks prior to me bringing her in again to be tested. The vaginal swab results stated: mod gram positive cocci.many gram positive bacilli,few neg gram bacilli,isolated flora, no puss cells, no yeast. Only high leukocytes showed urine test results. Child had hydronephrosis as a child. Father pretend she has asthma when she does not and gives her asthma pumps daily. Father exposes child to cats daily even though she is severely allergic to cats and he gives her aerius for kids allegery medication rather than get rid of his cats. Doctor said he thinks she has vaginitis from an imbalance and should take probiotics but she does not have a yeast infection.... I have read up on the results and I am wondering if I should be concerned that she may be getting sexually assaulted or if she has a sexually transmitted STD or STI...What are your thoughts?