Hello, I have tried marijuana three times in the duration of three months. My friends influenced me into using it, I regret smoking. Ever since I quit I have had bad withdrawal symptoms for over a year now. Anxiety, Bi-polar, loss of appetite, schizophrenia, high blood-pressure, and recently I ve been waking up in the middle of the night from cold-heat waves running through my body. I ve read forums and people have seem to be getting better within a few months. I was wondering why my brain hasn t reached homeostasis yet. Can masturbation and porn viewing be a cause of the prolonged withdrawal symptoms? I went to the ER recently to get blood examinations and for help with my mental health. The doctor told me I have high levels of Dopamine, I also read somewhere masturbation can increase the levels of Dopamine can this be the cause of my prolonged withdrawal symptoms? The doctor their recommended a drug known as Risperidone, I don t think this drug will be any good to me because I read forums on the internet about the negative effects of this drug and how it only relieves schizophrenia on a short term, I am afraid If I quit taking this drug I will experience withdrawal symptoms and my schizophrenia may come back, very likely since I read it on some forums. Do you think these people have had negative experiences with this drug because they are taking a combination of drugs and most likely are using marijuana? I thought that might be an affecting factor. I am very thankful for this website and the time you people take to look at our questions. One more thing, the doctor told me I will need to take this drug for a year, after that I guess I will slowly taper off any info regarding this?