i am having a lot of things happening at one time and i am not sure if they are all related. I am a 54 year old woman. I have had a historectomy 3 years ago. I take leverthroxine for my thyriod. I have been under non stop stress for a long time. i try to diet and it is difficult to lose weight. i have yeast infections to the point there are clumps falling out i am thirsty all the time, i smell different at times, i itch all the time, dont sleep all night, i am irritable and go to anger in the drop of a hat. I also am having issues with my hands. I have vestibular migranes which are triggered by stress, lack of sleep, flying in a plane. The migranes trigger vertigo. I have had surgery on my little finger twice to straighten it and it went back to being bent. my finger that had the surgery is hurting all the time i have to put ice on it. Now both of my hands are hurting in different places. I have knots in different places both of my hands.