yes please i realy need a doctor that has the knowledge and has educated himself in helping me with a history of 20 years dealing with my addictions and depression with suicidal thorts i am chemically imbalanced right now and i have my speed addiction managable to a degree, ive started taking pristiq 50mg and they have been working but not how i would like them to.ive now became very isolated and sleep my days away until 3pm i get up every day ,i then go to the shop and buy my dinner,all im finding now is i cant get enough sugar .im down and have no energy and i feel sick until i eat sugar,i find it harder as days go by geting to the shops becuase now the anxiety and i start feeling paniky and stressed and paraniod and i start to shake my hands,and so i find myself using drugs again and its just a long big round circle.before u ask ,yes i have found myself help with rehabs and councillors and many differant doctors that are to quick to get his script book out and write out a script. im an addict and because this doctor hasnt heard a thing i have just told him and doesnt give a shit about me ,i walk away with valliums zannex ,ive even been put on suboxone.i need help because i no im chemically imbalanced and im not skitzofrenic andevery other thing i have been told i have by a doctor that has spent not even an hour with me.i dont want to use drugs and i dont want to die i need for the thorts and feelings to go away because in the past i have let suicide get me and i have falling back into drugs and i have hurt people with unpredictable emotionts of anger CAN U HELP ME