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There could be a number of causes for this, but none of them serious; you'll be pleased to know. Irritation in this area is a real nuisance. it is most likely to be some form of
allergy or
dermatitis, and the commonest causes of this in this area is a reaction to something you are coming into contact with.
This could be to do with clothing – say the material of your underwear or jeans. Or it could be a vaginal deodorant or spray if you use one, or even a bath additive of some sort.
This is a very sensitive area, so think about whether there is something you are coming into contact with in this region that might be causing it. For relief try getting some 1 per cent
hydrocortisone cream.
A normal, physiological, discharge is usually clear, creamy or very slightly yellow.
It is advisable to consult a doctor if any of the following changes are noticed as they may indicate that the discharge is caused by infection (
If there is suddenly a greater amount of discharge.
If the discharge changes colour from yellow-whitish to brownish, reddish or greenish.
If it becomes smelly.
Have a great day