I have swollen feet, hands and face..I don't use salt and, I try and drink water at least 3 bottles a day..I cup of coffee in the morning. I recenty had a fall at work that sprained my ankle, hip, shoulder, lower back, clavical and right hand. I have been off work now for 4months. I have had 2 mri's one on my ankle the other on my lower lumbar. both were negative. I am having hand surgery on my right thumb and wrist..It is hard for me to walk since my feet hurt and, the most dificult of all is standing for longer than 20 minutes since it hurts my lower back. I know I have gained at least 15lbs in the past 4months and, I do not eat salt. although I know there are lots of foods that have alot of sodium in them already so, I do not salt my food at all. I am soon going to be 65 yrs old and, I think I am retaining water since that may be te cause of my feet being swollen along with my hands and face. Is this a sign of kidney problems????