I had a trt therapy injection in my thigh on Wednesday. It imidiatly swoled up like an egg. Over the next couple days the swelling spread and was warm to the touch and very very painful. Thursday, the day after injection I had surgery on my hand (totally unrelated) and was prescribed Keflex 500mg 4 times a day. Friday the pain was so bad I couldn t walk, so Saturday I went to ER, they did blood work and ultra sound and said it was infected. They prescribed Septra and Vicodin and told me to see a surgeon to have it drained. The surgeon looked at it and said it was just a hematoma and not to fill the script for the Septra, and finish the Keflex for my hand (which I only had a days worth left. I went back to talk to ER and they said it was defiantly infected and told me to see another Dr. I left there, called another Dr. and he wanted to see me right away. I went there imidiatly and he said it was infection due to how much the redness had spread and how hot it was to the touch. He said I do need to take the Septra and the Kflex. He drew a line around the redness and told me to come back in two days to see if it has spread. If so I may need surgery to remove infection. My question is, is infection always accompanied by a tempature. I have only had a fever once in my life, and it is normally runs low. I have had chills the last couple days, and still can t walk. Who do I listen to, and should my insurance company have to pay the doctor that said it was oly a hematoma?