Hi, thanks for helping me out. So I m a college student and am in the middle of exams and super stressed so one of my friends gave me a concerta pill to try to see if it would help me get my work done. Now I m usually not a recreational drug user so I was hesitant but I did some research just so I knew what I would be putting into my body and what to expect and decided to try it just once to see if it would help me get through all my work. I took a 54mg concerta pill this morning around 10:45am and it didn t really do anything until about 3:30pm. It didn t affect my productivity, but around 3:30 I started getting a bunch of side effects. I was fidgeting and jittery and could not keep myself from grinding my teeth . I tried to eat dinner at 4:30/5pm and couldn t really eat anything, felt extremely irritable and still jittery. At about 7pm I began to get worried and I checked my pulse and it was at around 140 bmp resting rate. This worried me significantly so I consulted with an emt friend who told me to keep checking it to see if it would go down. By 9pm It had gone down to 120 and is now (3am) at 95-100 which is still pretty high but not abnormal. There was no pounding or irregular heartbeat though. Back at about 12:30am I developed a bit of a headache but it had since then gone away mostly. Other than what I ve listed I haven t had any other aide effects, at least not that I ve noticed. I would like to try to go to sleep but am worried that my heart will go back up or some other serious problem might happen while I m asleep and I won t know it. Should I be worried about that? It seems to be wearing off (the teeth grinding stopped at about 9 or 10pm and my heart has gradually slowed down to about normal). Can I safely try to go to bed without anything serious potentially happening while I m asleep and wont notice or be able to call someone?