Hello! I am from Toronto, Canada...my 17 yr old daughter was prescribed Marvelon to regulate her periods. They told me she has mild PCOS because she has 2 symtoms or more (irregular period and some facial hair growth) rest of the tests were good including ovaries....When filling the prescription, I noticed,at home that she was given Apri...I ve been reading horror stories online regarding depression , weight gain etc!...I am so confused as what to do for her...she is not sexually active so she doesnt need it for birth control....I was against her taking pills for her period....now after reading about Apri, I am even more worried!! Should I insist they give us the Marvelon as dr s prescription?......She is already struggling with weight and I don t want her to gain anymore due to the pill!! And she is a very happy giddy person, and I don t want her to become depressed!! Should she just live with this mild PCOS and not risk getting all those other symptoms from the pill? I don t whats worse, the PCOS issues or birth control pill side effects!