Hello my name is Samantha I am 33 years old, my weight is 66kg my height is 167cm... I am looking at taking human growth hormone . Research leads me to believe many people (BodyBuilders, Dr s, Celebrities etc) are now taking this and its nick name (fountain of youth) really appeals to me.. after looking at this a lot I have found a genuine source who have hgh ( Genotropin ) as I know some one who has been taking it with training and fitness to become healthier.. and I believe it to work, my reason for contacting you is for more information... I have heard (word of mouth) that the negative side affect can be that your jaw size increases, and I do not wish to look like a man, is this True?.. and would this be the best/right form of hgh for me to take?. I seen my Dr who said I needed to see an Endocrinologist privately, can you advise me on how much this will cost?. I would also like to know if being on Human Growth Hormone, would interfere with having a superficial chemical peel course.. 15% TCA