Welcome to HCM,
it is good that you asked this question. Before you go for surgery, you should know its real need, and what to expect during and after surgery. You should get proper counseling and understanding of the conditions.
fibroid are outside uterine wall, and it is not so difficult to remove as compared to fibroid which is in uterine wall, and in cavity. It will improve your chance of
pregnancy, if because of its location, it is causing blockage at right uterine cornu. It will reduce chances of
miscarriage , preterm delivery and other complications. it is important also to confirm that you are ovulating and
thyroid hormones are within normal range. Your doctor must rule out any other cause for secondary subfertility.
You should also know that sometimes during the surgery, it is possible that they end up doing
hysterectomy. Though in case of subserous that situation comes rarely. Secondly it is not necessary that subserous fibroid is the cause for not getting pregnancy, and should not be disapponted if you find difficulty in conceiving again. Third point is that if your sub serous fibroid is getting bigger, you may need to go for operation, even if it is not the cause of
infertility, due to other symptoms of large fibroid.
In conclusion, I would say that you must go for operation, hoping for the best.
Hope you understood my reply.
Dr H Hamdani