I am 32 years old mom for two boys and I am trying for another kid for the last four months and this month I my breast got full and tender vary obvious to my husband it is like two bra size ... I had headache , heartburn , dizziness once .Last Wednesday 13/ 6 few vary few blood comes and I had a sever cramp for the whole night ....I thought that is it I must be pregnant but on 17 /6 I had one mucus + brown light pink discharge then I had my period lighter than usual though and today is my third day ..... my question is that all of the previous symptoms are still My breast is bigger fuller ,hurt burn , headache I even got dizzy last night ..I want to visit my doctor after my period is done but my question is .... is there any other illnesses that can cause all of the above symptoms although I follow a healthy life style ....I don t drink coffee or alcohol , lots of fruits and veges , no junk food or bad fat ..... ?