I ve been experiencing tenderness and a swollen feeling under the right side of my chin . It has gone away in the past (I had the same issue a couple of years ago) and has, as of a month or two ago, come back. When this happens I do find it hard to swallow (like I have to consciously make an effort to get food / drink down at most times, sometimes making me nervous that I could choke). I also have experienced dizziness to some degree, as well as shortness of breath (the latter has gone on for years). I ve mentioned it do my doctor (who I ve admittedly not been an all-star making regular visits with) and he s felt under my chin and advised that it seems to just be a mild case of swollen lymph nodes and not a major issue. One additional symptom is that I frequently feel the need to swallow (more so than usual), which also makes it hard to eat and drink as I feel that I could inadvertantly swallow out of sync and choke. Fairly dismal, but I am concerned about it and not sure what it could be given that there are multiple symptoms.