Thank you. I have Parkinson's, Vascular disease,Mini strokes and recently diagnosed with seizures.For a long time I have coughs, and a lot of mucus in my nose upon blowing it seems to go down my mouth and throat daily on and off. I blow my nose,and in addition I always have tears. I do not have any allergies. T he George town University Research Hospital in D.C. at the Nerurology Dept. who specialize in Parkinson ( Nationally and international known for outstanding expertise ) prescribed Atrovent.(Ipratopium Bromide Nasal Solution 0.03%-nasal spray) After taking copius notes of dates, time,day and night. Approximately 80 pages of documentation and concluded that my cough and mucus (25 min. or an hour at length day or night was a result of mr Parkinson's. At first it worked it stopped my cough and severe mucus iatedmmediately. I was on it from July 18,2015 until now,but still have a slight cough and lots of mucus in my nose, throat and mouth. Occasionally I have an organic herbal lozenge ( made by Zands ) mentholated lozenger that helps. But it still a major problem . What should I do ? What med. works ?