The only way I can describe my episodes is to say that it feels as though someone has reached into the "file cabinet" of my brain, grabbed a random handful of past fragmented memories, thoughts, conversations, possible dreams . . . and scattered them into the here and now. None of them make any sense but the "voices" (though I'm not really hearing voices) seem slightly familiar, yet at the same time frightening, even threatening. This lasts about 15 minutes, during which I lose short-term memory, and when it clears up I feel like my perfectly normal self and can hardly recall what the attack felt like. I have had recent MRI, CATscan, and carotid ultrasound and all were supposedly "normal" -- no evidence of tumors or strokes. Now have appointment with neurologist at end of this month (August 2016). This has been going on for several weeks, and at the same time I've experienced daily ocular migraines -- occasionally with headache following, which is nowhere near as severe as migraines in my younger years, which stopped about 20 years ago. I've also had two alarming though brief episodes of double vision -- one image above another, both moving rapidly.