This situation has happened to me about 1-2 times a year for the past couple of years, but it is scaring me and I will not have insurance coverage until Nov 1. I am 50. I am overweight (5'8", about 225 lbs). Occasionally, I notice a small knot at the base of my neck on the left side (not sure if this is important - I have cysts under the skin all over my body). This one concerns me because of these occasional incidents. Currently, I feel pressure in that area of my neck. It pulses at times. Difficult to sleep on that side because of the pressure and pulsations. I took a baby aspirin yesterday evening and it seemed to help. I have taken another one today. Not sure yet if it is going to help. I am a full-time teacher, and I work a PT job. I stay busy - not a lot of exercise. Not sure how serious this might be. Anything I might need to watch for?