Three months ago while I was out mowing on my riding mower, something either bit me or somehow made a hole in the back of the calf of my leg. I never felt it, but a stream of blood had run down my leg and dried. I felt no pain; there was no swelling, redness, or itching - just a hole in my leg.
Two days later, an inch away from the original hole, a large red patch appeared on my leg; it was hot and red and itched like crazy. I went to Urgent Care and the doctor assumed it was a spider bite and put me on Keflex for 10 days. After that, about every 5-7 days, I started getting what appeared to be bites, all on the same leg, all from the knee down, all red, hot, itchy spots that started off small but over a period of several hours or even a day or two, would get much larger. Always, these spots develop a "blister" that eventually pops, yellowish-clear liquid comes out, forms a scab, and underneath the scab it seems to deteriorate the flesh. This has been going on for 3 months now. I've seen 6 doctors (2 Urgent Care physicians, 1 MD, 1 PA, and 2 dermatologists). They've done a biopsy and a swab, and it comes back as "an insect bite" - but there are no insects around and no one but me gets bitten. Also, it happens wherever I am: at home, at work, at church, in my car, at the grocery store, at the library - any where I go. I am a very clean person and bathe regularly. My home is clean, my car is clean - and I've checked for bed bugs, mosquitos, chiggers, and spiders - there is Nothing! but these "spots" keep appearing - sometimes swelling the affected area (once my left hand) so badly I couldn't bend my fingers. I was swollen all the way from my wrist to the middle knuckles on my hand. I've had 2 rounds of Keflex, 1 round of Bactrim, and a steroid shot but nothing helps. The bites occur mostly on my hands, feet, legs, arms, but even on my neck, jaw, ribs, and shoulders. They don't seem to happened around waste bands or my bra straps (some bugs prefer tight spaces) but now I'm getting 12-24 bites a day! This parasite is taking over my body!! It's eating me from the inside out!! The itching is tormenting me and the red, swollen spots and resulting sores are a terrible embarrassment. None of the doctors know what this is or what I can do to stop it. Can you help me, please? I'm afraid it will eventually kill me.