Hi my name is Andile, and i have a problem with my throat . I am a singer and a had laryngitis two months ago. I go a spray and antibiotics and the swelling went down and so did the pain, however, my larynx did not go back to normal. Yesterday i noticed that my throat and the roof of my mouth is yellow with red veins. There is no pain, but it is just disturbing when i look at it. Singing is my profession so i also need to know how i can make everything go back to normal because my voice has not been the same after having laryngitis. Please suggest treatment and also how i can prevent this from occuring again. My other problem is that i have been having these migraine attacks where i would have the flashes one after the other the whole day and sometimes two days in a row. I usually had migraines when i ate certain foods like cheese, chocolate, etc, but now i have even without having them. What could be the cause? I am 27 years old with a weight of 55kg.