I am a 25 year old male, 6 feet 1 inch tall and weighing 220 pounds.
For the past two nights, when I lay down for bed, I get a tight feeling in my throat. My breathing and swallowing don't seem to be restricted, but the tightness makes me feel like they should be. It's like... wearing a scarf that's tied a little too tight. The feeling is mostly centered on the upper part of my throat, above the adam's apple.
I fell asleep with this feeling last night, after anxiety over this unusual sensation kept me up for about two hours, and woke up this morning feeling fine.
The feeling occurred again when I took a nap during my lunch hour at work (laying slightly reclined with my upper body tilted to one side). The feeling subsided about 30 minutes to an hour later.
When I lay down again tonight the feeling returned. This time my neck also felt stiff, although movement was unrestricted. Stiffness was confined to the front of my neck, below the area that feels tight And more to the sides, stronger on the left side than the right. When I sat up the stiffness vanishes after a few minutes. The tightness lessened significantly, but is still noticeable 30 minutes later.
When I am not feeling the symptoms I feel perfectly normal.
My nose has felt stuffed in the last few days, but has not been runny.
I have a history of anxiety and have been worrying about money and interpersonal relationships recently. Such worries have been common for several years, but this is the first time I've experienced these symptoms.
I have a history of Superventricular Tachycardia.
I have no history of throat problems. I have had several infections in my right ear, all of them more than ten years ago.
I have no history of acid reflux problems.
I have no known allergies.
I've recently changed my diet, adding cheap microwaveable pasta meals. I have been eating these for 1-2 weeks before the symptoms arose.