Hi, I suffered a concussion in May of this year. Since i have done some stupid things drinking, smoking marijuana, and smoking ciggarettess on occasion. After my brain had started to feel extremely strange (cannot explain the feeling, somewhat like a tingling and pressure in my brain) i decided to take a hold. I went to my neurologist and he performed all the necessary brain scans to make sure i was okay, thankfully they turned out all normal. He did tell me that i should lay off alcohol and drugs for 2 years. It has been 3 months since i have done any drugs or alcohol. I still feel the tingling from time to time, is it possible that if i continue to abstain from marijuana and alcohol that i will be able to eventually recover and be able to enjoy these things on occasion? Im not looking for an answer on how marijuana is bad, I enjoy partaking in it and I am not here to be lectured. Thanks