hello I am 23 year old. (Male) I suffered cold and fever since 3 days I took some advice with a doc near home he give a injection and some tab and suggest to Blood urine test. I tested today my RESULT is as follow s ( WBC COUNT. 0000 , M.C.V. 102.1, RDW-CV. 15.6, NEUTROPHIL . 83, LYMPHOCYTE . 16, E.S.R. 20) URINE TEST- ( PUS CELLS. 2-3 /HPF, EPITHELIL CELLS. 1-3 /HPG ALL OTHERS NORMAL, SIR PLZ TEL ME SHOULD I ADMIT. OR TAKE MED THANKYOU DOC.. 2-3 /HPF, EPITHELIAL CELLS. 1-2 /HPF) ALL OTHERS NORMAL) SHOULD I ADMIT?