I recently had a cold/ sinus infection . Had a round of Omnicef, then a rocefen shod and D&D injection followed by Augmentin . Once the infection cleared, my sinus ran clear. I went to clear my sinus on a tissue and I had a flood of yellow drainage from my right nostril . I mean a lot, probably 1/4 cup or more. took seven or eight tissues to clear it all out. I couldn t believe how much, way more than even when my infection was active and it was fairly thinner than normal sinus drainage. When it was done, my sinus felt really dry but extremely clear and my face felt a little like it was going to collapse on the right side. I thought it had cleared up, but the next day it happened again, only on the left side. Massive quantity again. This was about six days ago. Cold gone, all better, and then yesterday it happened again on the left side, massive quantity, no blood, just yellow drainage for five minutes, from a reasonably clear nose. And again, it felt like my face was collapsing for a while. No drainage since. No congestion either. Any thoughts?