Hi tthere....I am a 53 yr old female and ave been ill for 6 months now and can t seem to get a diagnosis. Started off with heavy chest pain whereby I was treated for Brochitas but the chest pain didn t go away but only got worse like an elephant was sitting on my chest. After multiple visits to the emergency room and doctors with CT scans, blood work, ultrasounds etc. I am still experiencing pain in my joints, muscles, ribs etc as well as muscle weakness, tremors throughout my body esp in my legs making my legs feel like jello. I am also now experience extreme chills (worse at night) not to mention neck pain. Have been referred to a Hemotologist (as it was thought it could by lymphoma) as well as a Rhumatolgist (which feels it could be Fibromyalgia). Have not been referred to a Neurologist as of yet. Any suggestions or paths you can direct me in would be very much appreciated. Thanks Leslie