Hello. I'm a 25 year old female weigh 145 pounds solid. I have been trying to conceive since October 2012. I was on Mirena for about 3 years until October it fell out while I was bathing. I called my GYN an he said that it was ok longs I was not having any discomfort. Which I wasn't. During intercourse, I tend to bleed. That has happened 3 months ago. No bleeding since, but I now i experience pain during intercourse. I have lost all my sex drive. Feels like my hormone level is way low amongst other things. My menstrual cycle is way off. It does not come on the same time each month and at times I go a month without it. Its been like day January 22, February day 31, March day 31, no cycle in April ,and a cycle on May 18. I do have pelvic pain on an off. I am beginning to get scared. I really want another child, but do not think my body is ready for it. I have 2 other children. No problem conceiving them. Please help!!!