Doctor, we desperately need your help to make babies. my wife is 31 years old. Her FSH level iS 82.3 mlU/ml . Her LH level is 59.9 mlU/ml. Her Estradiol level is 21.6 pg/ml, Progesterone is 1.8 ng/ml, Prolactin is 189.4 mlU/l, Testesterone is 0.57 ng/ml.
Her ultrasound scan results are as follows: Uterus = 4.5cm x 2.6cm x 2.4cm
Gm(i'm not sure if i'm typing it right)=0.5cm
Left ovary= 1.8cm x 1.3cm
Right ovary- 2.3cm x 1.3cm.
Her menstrual cycle is extremely irregular with no menses at all in certain months.
Please help!