Thanks for being with HCM.
Microcytic hypochromic red blood cells means red blood cells are small in size and amount of hemoglobin inside the cells is less.
Variation in size and shape that is called anisocytosis and poikilocytosis.
You have Hemoglobin of 9.5 gm%,hematocrit 34.4,mcv 71.6,mch19.8,mchc 2876,serum iron is 14.3 and normal leukocytes and platelets.
These changes can be seen in:
iron deficiency anaemia
chronic blood loss due to peptic ulcer,hemorrhoids,heavy menstruation,etc
3.Anaemia of chronic disease such as
chronic kidney disease,tuberculosis,malabsorption.
Serum iron of 14.3 is very low.It indicates iron deficiency.
Hence iron supplement should be started.Oral iron supplement foe 3 months will be sufficient as HB is 9.5 i.e. mild anaemia.
Tab. Orofer-XT,Tab.Levogen Or syp.RB tone or dexorange are good
iron supplements.
Consult with your treating physician for
treatment of diabetes as your FBS is also high.
Hope this could help you.
Wish you good health.