Lose 20 kg-. according to your height , your wt should be around 70 kg .“More than 80% of people diagnosed with type 2
diabetes are obese, Just losing will have a huge impact on blood
glucose levels.
Increase your activity- Set yourself a goal. Try to get to 10,000 steps a day
If you smoke, quit. “If you have diabetes and smoke, that’s slow
smoking accelerates the onset of every single diabetes complication
Relax-Stress relievers such as
meditation, deep breathing, and relaxation exercises can help.
Monitor your blood glucose levels.
Follow your diabetes meal plan. If you do not have one, consult ditician and develop a meal plan.
Eat healthy foods such as fruits and vegetables, fish, lean meats, dry peas or beans, whole grains, and low-fat or skim milk and cheese.
Eat foods that have less fat and salt.
Eat foods with more fiber such as whole grain cereals, breads, crackers, rice, or pasta.
do not stop medicine , your goal should be fasting 100 and pp- 170
your Bp goal should be below 130/80 mmhg