Hi im 20 years old about 5"2 and weigh around 115lbs
I have fairly regular periods. I was on the pill for about 6 months but it caused me to get UTI's so i went off it about 4 months ago. My bf and I only use the pull out method, which had worked for 2 years before. i have a 28-30 day cycle and this time my period was 8 days late, this has never happened before. I took a pregnancy test that came up negative, (my sister can never get a HPT to say positive, even if she's pregnant) a few days later i started spotting and then my period came, the blood is very bright red and is a lot lighter than usual, along with barley any cramps. ( i usually have really severe cramping) I am not stressed out, I'm on no medication, and i do not have any STD's, whats wrong?