my ultrasound shows anteverted bulky uterus size 9.7*4.9*3.5 cm early changes of adenomyosis . cervix appears bulky with minimal collection in the cervical canal and few nabothian cysts . endometrium is in mild line appears trilaminar and measures 11.5 mm in thickness. i am having symptumps like uti but my urine tests are ok. i feel burning,,, pain in back and lower aqbdomen frequent urge to urinate discomfert after docter has given me utitreatment now i am not having that much pain but some burning is stil there. she has told me to get pep smear done. it will take some time. my calcium syrum is 8.5. other tests are normal. are my problems cureable. what should i do, please tell me something about treatments. i am not having very heavy bleeding but now i have pain during my date which i do not use to have before. i have thick white any thing serious there or it is treatable. please anser i am very much worried.