Hello and thank you for posting your query on HCM
your pelvis
ultrasound report gives the information that your womb/
uterus has a single baby lying in a longitudnal fashion (long axis of the spine of the baby is parallel to the long axis of the uterus). The head of the baby lies along the opening/mouth (
cervix of the uterus). These are normal findings.
Heart beat of the baby is regular.
amniotic fluid in the
gestational sac is adequate.
There are various dimensions/ parameters of the baby's body which help to determine the maturity of the baby. Theis implies that these parameters are attained at particular age of the baby.
Bi-parietal diameter (BPD): 68mm. This corresponds to
gestational age of 27 weeks 3 days
Femur length: 52mm, which corresponds to gestational age of 29 weeks
abdominal circumference: 244mm which corresponds to gestational age of 28 weeks 3 days
By combining all these parameters the average gestational age is 28 weeks 3 days
estimated fetal weight: 1.165 kg
Your expected date of delivery is December 18 2012.
You have 10 weeks to reach the term. term is at 37 weeks so you have completed your 17 weeks. It goes well with the ultrasound findings.
All fine. nothing to worry.
take care
Dr Shailja P Wahal