I just received an ultra sound for thyroid:
57 year old female suspected thyromegaly
received a copy of the report and would like to know how to respond to the info received.
Real time and Color Dopler sonography of thyroid performed. Several intermittent nodules are seen throughout the thyroid gland right>left. Largest individual hypoechoic nodule is estimated at aproximately 6mm at margin of right ithmus with a larger lesion up to aproximately 10mm at the right upper to mid thyroid. Color Dopler flow remains within upper limits of normal diffusely. Overall contour appears lobular with borderline enlarged right thyroid measurements of 5.1x2.0x2.2cm and left thyroid 5.5x1.8x2.2cm
Impression: Mild Multinodular changes within thyroid gland with slight overall thyroid enlargement.
Symptoms Include: Neck, Jaw and Shoulder pain accompanied by hearing impairment in the right ear., tremors mostly on right hand, night sweats, anxiety, hoarse raspy voice, difficulty swallowing and breathing, frequent choking, painful to laugh and cough especially when looking up, armpit pain and swelling, more discomfort when lying down, stiff neck, taunt full feeling down chest arms and back.
I am schudeled by my Internal Medicine Doctor to have an Fine Needle proceedure performed by an ENT next week.
Can you give insight as to the diagnosis and who should I see for treatment?
Any information greatly appreciated.
Thank You,