Hello and welcome to HCM.
Thank you for your query.
It appears as though you could be suffering from a
urinary tract infection (UTI). I can understand your concern and frustration. I shall try to help you with as much information as possible. Let us start off with all the symptoms, please note that not all the symptoms need to be present to make a clinical suspicion of a UTI.
-Burning sensation while urinating
-Frequent urination
-Increased urge to urinate, but less amount of urine passed
-Lower abdominal and/or flank region pain
-Itching around the genitals
You will have to visit a doctor to get your urine analysed. Once an infection is confirmed, the doctor will advice a course of antibiotics, pain management medication (if pain is present) and a urine alkalized (a
potassium chloride based solution) which will help in relieving your symptoms.
If a UTI has bee ruled out, the other possibilities we have in relation to the color of your urine are:
-Infections in the renal system (kidney,
urinary bladder, or
-Muscle injury
Copper poisoning
-Tyrosinemia (genetic disorder)
-Liver abnormalities
-Kidney disorders
If the UTI is confirmed, you need not dwell into the possibility of these conditions. In the meantime, please have plenty of fluids along with cranberry juice, which has added benefits in relieving UTI-related symptoms.
I hope I have succeeded in providing the information you were looking for. Please feel free to write back to me for any further clarifications. I would gladly help you.
Best wishes.