HELLO i AM A FAIRLY HEALTHY 52 yr old female . I have been detoxin throught the care of a Naturopathic dr for the past 3 m onths w a healthy diet which I have been 90% compliant to. Fruits, Veg, and protein and a long list of suppliments. No glutin or sugar lots of water w lemon. Was told by dr that I had a slight case of diverticulitus also privious xrAy when I was younger showed Gallbladder stones. I also came off of a 2yr daily consumption of 3000 to 5,000mg antibiotics to fight Lyme disease. Brief history My ? is what just happened over the past 7 days . I woke from a dead sleep last Tues. 2am severe pain in my lower rt back. hurt to take a deep breath and radiated up to my rt shoulder. Next day seamed to disipate enough to function w a 3 for pain. Went to bed Wed nite same thing around 2am woke w even worse pain I could not take a deep breath pain so severe my body would not allow me.I stayed up for 3 hrs walking and trying to find a comfortable way to sit and breath. I spent thurs thru Sun shallow breathes pain 13 under both lft and rt ribs on the bra line. Sitting leaning slightly foward was all I could do. recliner, laying down Nothing worked spasm severe could barely breath from pain. All I took was iBUprophen around the clock 800 evry 4hrs because I has nothing else. No pain meds till yesterday evening and I started takeing Tylenol x 2q 6hrs. I could feel rails in my lft lung when I was positional. Confused cause the pain moved to my lower left of back then back to the lower rt. After 2 days mostly stayed front lft and rt ribs high. Now pain is much less but still will cramp up on rt rib cage. I hav only eater watermellon, red grapes and fresh eggs scrambled w unsweetened almond milk. Also dark almnd mild. Could I hav more than 1 thing going on? Gallstone and Diverticulitus attack and what should I be eating or stick to liquied. Extremely Petrified to eat Never want to experience pain likbre this!!!!!!! Mother of 6 , had an 6in fraqment in my sciatica for 6wks working I hav a high pain tolerance but this came on quick after a dinner of Chinese chix n broccolli white rice egg roll and 3 crabragoons. Pain I never hav had for such a long long long 7 days! At first I even thought a kidney stone PLease advise