I had extreme pain in my hand, starting with little finger then gradually moving to each finger then the thumb, followed by huge swelling, Oct 10/13. After several hours I couldn t take the pain any more and went to Hosp. They took me right in and started intervenes, pain med, etc. kept me for 5 hrs. sent me home with meds. but wanted me to come back in am. more of the same, except different Dr. and he changed meds. They didn t know the cause Swelling gradually and very slowly went down, but I m left with nerve pain and all that goes with that. A clinic Dr. said I d had a blood clot in neck, chest area. I m now going to physio once a week and haven t been on any meds since second week. Can you enlighten me any more on the cause and do you have any idea how long nerve pain could last and if it will get totally better? Thank you for your time Regards Elaine