1. having
recurrent pneumonia means that either immune system is weak due to repeated infection [most of the infections are community-acquired] or due to decreased immunity, he is predisposed to recurrent infection,[alteration of the normal defense mechanisms of the respiratory tract] which means that other co morbid conditions have to be looked out like: any
chronic lung disease, addiction to smoking,any brain disorder, immune system problem [STDs or organ transplant]?, any liver or heart disease [pericarditis] is there,
diabetes mellitus.
2. since breathing difficulty is there which is in the course of pneumonia, still baseline investigations like chest x-ray, Arterial blood gases [ABG] to see if enough oxygen is getting into your blood from the lungs,
complete blood count [CBC],CT scan of the chest,Culture of your sputum to look for the bacteria or virus that is causing your symptoms, Bronchoscopy can be ordered to go for in depth analysis.
3. patients with recurrent pneumonia should be thoroughly investigated, in order to find previously unrecognized immune deficiency [hypogammaglobulinemia] and flu as well as
pneumococcal vaccine should be given for prophylaxis.