Hello! I recently had surgery to remove a Pilonidal Cyst 7 weeks ago. For the first 6 weeks everything was healing normal, I was visiting a bandage change clinic everyday for new packing, and my most recent followup with the surgeon said I didn t need to do so anymore, and she gave me a final treatment of silver nitrate . Yesterday I awoke with a fever which lasted all day, and today its leaking minor pus and blood from the once sinus opening. I have booked an appointment to see the doctor, but it won t be for another 6 days. My question is, until I can see my doctor is there anything I should be doing to prevent it from getting worse? Its showing the signs of returning, and I really hope its just acting up with the last bit of sinus track left. Should I go buy some gauze and keep the area clean? doing as they were doing during the open healing process. How fast could the wound progress in the days until I see my doctor? What risk do I have of it returning to the same extent as before? Is it possible for it to return through scar tissue? Or will it have to find new area to grow. Any information would be greatly appreciated. Thank you, Brandon