Hi, I have been experiencing a mixture of symptons for quite some time now. They are : * unexplained bruising that starts as a welt * restlessness during sleep * always tired, even after sleeping (although fitfully) for several hours * hives like rashes , break outs occur anywhere on at my body at any time * shaky vague feelings, with hot flushes, where I have to sit down and eat something sugary. If I m at home when this occurs I eat sugar straight from the jar. * occasional sharp electric shock type stabbing pain in the left hand side of my neck, which jolts my head painfully. * occasional twitch in my face * uncontrollable itching all over my body, usually occurring during the night, most often when I am asleep. I have been to see several doctors and had several urine and blood tests, which have always came back normal. It s driving me crazy because I believe there is something wrong with me but no doctor I ve seen has been able to find a problem!! Please help!! Thank you so much :) I m not sure if it makes a difference as blood tests brought back nothing, but in 2005 I had Idiopathic Thrombocytapenia Purpura which required a platelet transfusion, cytomegalovirus , and was found to have positive serology for Lupus SLE.