Hello, gina15evans,
Well, since you have had your
gallbladder removed you don't have to
worry about that. From your description of
abdominal pain, nausea and
green diarrhea , it sounds like you have some kind of "Acute Gastroenteritis".
This could be from a case of food poisoning by eating some contaminated food
or drink. If you have been treated for any infection in the recent days or weeks,
we have to think about C.Difficile infection which needs to be diagnosed by stool
toxin tests and treated with appropriate antibiotics.
It could also be viral in nature. Noro virus, Roto virus can cause this.
Acid reflux by itself can't give you these symptoms.
Very rarely , some people will develop "Bile salt " induced diarrhea after the
gallbladder removal, but this happens fairly soon after surgery not after years.
Wait a couple of days, stay on bland diet, avoid excess caffeine, spices, fatty and
greasy foods and drink clear liquids. Sport drinks, apple juice are good. You can
take peptobismol or
kaopectate for diarrhea . If you develop any
high fever, chills,
and continued diarrhea or vomiting , you need to see the doctor or be seen at
a medical facility.
I wish you well.