Dear Concerned.,
Thanks for writing to us.
Let us analyse each of the reports.,
(A)The uric acid is in border line therefore the Gouty Arthritic problem is ruled out.But refrain from Alcohol and high Protein Diet (Boiled Veggies are good for her)as the uric acid may raise if they are not stopped.
Colchicine and
allopurinol need not be started at this juncture .
(B)Serum Urea and Creatinine are definitely high indicating Target Organ Damage due to uncontrolled HT/
Hypertensive Nephropathy.Foamy Urine is mentioned but no report of Albuminuria? It could be due to Albuminuria.The ankle and knee swelling are due to pitting type of Pedal Oedema.
(C)For PIVD(Prolapsed
InterVertebral Disc), Consult a Physiotherapist for SWD and Traction//Usual preventive measures like not bending ,not squatting/using hard bed rest/Lumbosacral belt/not lifting weights have to be followed.
Pls consult a Physician and Cardiologist/
Nephrologist for assesment of Cardiac Status// Kidney Status//any change in class of medications required.
Wishing you a speedy recovery.,
Best Regards.,
Dr Lt Cdr ASN Bhushan.