what dose this mean
Color Amber Yellow A
Clarity Hazy Clear A
Glucose, Urine Trace Negative mg/dL A
Bilirubin, Urine Positive Negative A
Unable to confirm result due to reagent backorder.
Ketones, Urine Trace Negative A
Specific Gravity, Ur 1.022 1.005 - 1.030
Hemoglobin/Blood,Ur Negative Negative
pH, Urine 6.5 5.0 - 8.0
Protein, Urine 30 Negative mg/dL A
Urobilinogen 4.0 Nitrites Positive Negative A
Leukest Large Negative A
Urine Comment Microscopic Examination Performed
WBC, Urine Many Negative /HPF A
RBC, Urine 0-5 Negative /HPF A
Bacteria Few Negative /HPF A
Epithelial/LPF Rare Negative /HPF A
Squamous Epithelial Cells
Ur Mucous Present