Good afternoon! I had unprotected sex in Jordan, ejaculation was outside my body. I was diving there, and I felt cold that time under the sea, and before it I had that wet diving set on myself for 15 minutes on the windy boat while waiting for to go to dive. After 5-6 days I start to have urological problems ( cold from down) I felt tingling during urination . It lasted 3 days, after I started to fell pain in my kidneys and also had fever 38 C. I went ot see a doctor, I had E coli in my urine, there was imflamation i my urine and aslo in my blood. My sedimentation was 100/ 34, monocytas 15,34, I had less iron . All other things in my blood was okay ( also lymfocytas and white blood cells ) .This test was made 2 weeks after the risk. She gave me medicine Abaktal. She sent me to Urological doctor, he noticed b sonograpf that I have a little bit bigger spleen , and left kidney. So he gave me another medicine, Ciplox and Aescin. The controll test was made to me on 5th week after the risk, everything was okay, no imflamation ( high sedimentation ) now, and also no anemia . On the third week I hade rashes in my breast and on my legs ( on my legs bigger, on my body smaller), some of them disappeared for next day, some of them not. A felt pain in my left hand and in my left leg, maybe in my joints too. I am in 7th week from the risk, some rashes appered in my back, als in my legs I have also, but they are not the same as 3 weeks ago. I am hypochonder, and I feel excessive anxiety from diseases, all the day I am controlling my body. From the nervosity I have almost always temperature 36,9 or 37,1, and I feel my face burning. So I can say, that I had almost all possible symhtomes of privary HIV infection except diarrhea.... . So I went to make test for HIV, it is negative. It was done now, exactly 6 weeks from the risk. Can I be sure, that I am healthy? The test was not the Elisa,m but the Dualtest. I worry, that because the two antibiotics iI can have false negative result.... Thank you in advance for your answer. Wish you the best. Trinity