What can cause vaginal sores other than herpes?
The sores don't bother me but when the doctor pokes at them with a q tip, they create an intense burning sensation- they don't hurt per say but is very bothersome.
Some background info:
About a month and a half ago, my partner and I engaged in pretty rough/dry intercourse
Soon after I has a UTI (I took a test to confirm)
When I peed, I felt a very uncomfortable vague/burning sensation but only after I already urinated (not during)
The UTI seemed to go away on its own as well as urination problems.
I also have had a reoccurring yeast infection- but I always have them- ever since I was little
A month and a half later, I went to to PP and she said she saw little sores that looked like they were healing.
She said she can't tell if they are herpes or an infected cut.
I know it could possibly b herpes and I am waiting for results, but I am wondering if there is merit to her saying its possibly a cut?
Could a vaginal fissure turn into a sore over time if untreated and in combination with yeast infection and UTI??