Hi my name is Dave and I am a 32yr old male, generally in good health. About 2 months ago now I came down with flu like symptoms that lasted about 3-4 days (fever, sore throat). These got better but then I started to feel really dizzy and had what would best be described as a bad "brain fog" for about 3 weeks. I went to the doctor during this time and they told me that it was probably just the afteraffects of the flu I'd just had, or possibly a slight inner ear infection. After the 3 weeks of dizzines the flue re-appeared with avengance. I had a sever sore throat, was running a fever over 100F and was extremely exhausted. I went back to the doctor and asked for a blood test. About 3 days later I got a call from the doctor saying I had tested positive for mononucleosis and that she needed me to come in to see her. She told me that my liver enzymes were extremely elevated. (AST 196 ALT 522) and that these needed to be watched. She asked me to wait a week and then go for another blood test which i did. I was still feeling pretty terrible, running fevers in the evening although my throat had gotten a bit better. When these results came in we found that they were even higher (AST 222 ALT 612) This lead her to believe that I was suffering from Acute Viral Hepatitis because of the Mono. She also asked me if I'd been to any foreign countries recently and I told her I'd been to Cuba back in December. She said that maybe I should also go and see an ifectious disease specialist. This has me very worried. My docotor doesn't seem to explain things as well as she should. I have read online that mono can cause acute viral hepatits and that with this specific form of hepatitis live enzyme levels cans shoot up substancially for a period of 1-2 months (over ten fold) before returning to normal. Is this a common occurence? Also, does one test positive for mono for the entire duration of the illness. I found out that although I tested positive for mono during my first blood test for some reason I tested negative on the second one. The only reason I know this was because I requested a copy of my blood tests sent to me after my last doctors appointment in case I wanted a second oppinion. My doctor didn't even mention the negative monospot test to me. Maybe you don't test positive for the full duration of the illness? Any insight you could give to me on my liver enzyme levels and their correlation with mono would be greatly appreciated as I am very worried here. Thanks very much!