dear friend,
thanx for sharing your concern,
Increased WBC count is suggestive of infection. which could be due to sinus or respiratory diseases.
Breathing problem and spitting phlegm may be due to the
sinusitis or
bronchitis or COPD.
coming to your dental problems.
it should be examined by a
get an xray done to see the infection in the teeth.
accordingly it can be restored or treated (RCT).
if there is gum problem, a thorough oral prophylaxis has to be done ( scaling).
dental problems like decayed teeth , gingivities or periodonties should not be ignored.
as in the longer run it can cause heart diseases like SABE,
rheumatic fever etc.
remember these dental diseases are infectious. that is, they involve many bacterias.
therefore i would suggest you to visit your dentist soon.
until then maintain very good
oral hygiene this will help you recover faster in other problems also.
meanwhile a course of antibiotics will reduce the infection.
Hope this helps you
take care ,