I was kicked in the right side of the head while bending over an 8 yr. old wearing roller blades. He kicked me by accident but with a lot of force, he was having a tantrum. It almost knocked me to the ground. I staggered into my house holding the kicked area and laid on the floor for about 20 mins before being taken to the ER. No bleeding. Felt nauseas, vision blurred, dizzy, head pain.. CT scan was normal. Sent me home. I slept for almost 24 hours straight and stayed in bed an additional 24 b/c my head continued to hurt, I was dizzy and just felt tired. This morning, my right ear hurt so I cleaned it and got BLOOD on 4 q-tips. Not real bright, not black either. I feel much better, but still have a headache, neck pain and ear pain. My stomache is somewhat upset; not exactly nauseas. I already have quite a few health issues dealing with the spinal cord (neck and back) and I have a Chiari I Malformation that I DO get painful symptoms from. I passed out and hit my head a year and a half ago, causing a concussion then. Sorry....what should I do about the blood from ear?