Extreme dieting is a very bad way to loose weight as most of the times you develop rebound gain of weight and is not practical.You must adopt realistic goals and just try to loose weight slowly and cut your diet very moderately.
Carry on with your CIDOPHAGE as it decreases
insulin resistance and help you in your
PCOS symptoms as well as weight.
I will explain you the mathematics of
weight loss.
To lose one pound by exercising, you need to burn approximately 3,500 calories. (2.2 pound is one kg).
This can be done by exercising and cutting calories.
Walking or jogging uses roughly 100 calories per mile.
One would lose a pound for every 35 miles of walk (provided food intake and other activities are constant.)
Walking briskly (4 miles per hour) for 30 minutes on five days a week will be equal to walking 10 miles a week. So it would take 3 ½ weeks to lose one pound (provided the number of calories stays the same.
Cutting back by 250 calories a day (½ cup of ice cream or two sugar-sweetened sodas) will lead to a loss of a pound in two weeks.
By eating 250 fewer calories and walking for 30 minutes a day, it would take a week to lose one pound of weight.
You should keep a goal of reducing your weight by just one pound a week and that would not only be practical but achievable also